CS2413: Web Site Development
Pacific Trails Resorts - Tables


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Text Pages: Chapter 8
Downloads: None
Reference: Silent Video on YouTube.com which is a demonstration of the completed assignment. Disclaimer: If you see something that is contradictory to our class assignments, please ask. Do not assume that since it is on the video that it is 100% correct.

Sample assignment video: Pacific Trails Resort - Tables

Color Chart: There is also a color chart to help with color names and numbers.
Errata Sheet: Chapter Updates for Chapter 8
    In the new window, click on Chapter 8 and then scroll to the bottom of center column to locate Chapter Updates.

The following is a modification of the Pacific Trails Resort case study assignment located on pages 394-395 of your textbook. Follow the instructions as indicated below for this assignment:

Pacific Trails Resort Case Study

See Chapter 2 for an introduction to the Pacific Trails Resort case study. Figure 2.38 shows a site map for the Pacific Trails website. Use the Chapter 7 website as a starting point for this case study. You will modify the Yurts page (yurts.html) to display additional information in an HTML table. You will use CSS to style the table. You have three tasks in this case study:

  1. Create a new folder for this Pacific Trails case study.
  2. Modify the Yurts page to use a table to display the information as shown in Figure 8.10 on p. 382.
  3. Modify the style sheet (pacific.css) to configure the screen, print and mobile style rules for the new table.

Hands-On Practice Case Study
Task 1: Make a copy of the pacific07 folder. Rename the copy pacific08. All work for this assignment will be done on the files in the new pacific08 folder.

Task 2: Modify the Yurts Page. Open yurts.html in a text editor.

  1. Configure an <h3> element with the following text: "Yurt Packages" below the description list <dl> in the <main> element. Add the class of newPage to the <h3> element.
  2. Below the new <h3> element, configure a paragraph <p> with the following text:

    A variety of luxury yurt packages are available. Choose a package from the table below and contact us to begin your reservation. We’re happy to build a custom package just for you.

  3. Configure the table.
    1. Position your cursor on a blank line under the paragraph and code a <table> with five rows and four columns using the following specifications.  (table, tr, th, and td tags)
      1. Row 1: <th> tags
      2. Rows 2-4: <td> tags
      3. Row5: <th> tag, cell spans four columns <colspan>.
      4. The content for the table is as shown below (Note: Depending on the size of your screen the text in the table may wrap differently. Color and styling will be added in the next task.)
      5. Add the class of textLeft to the three cells that contain the descriptions.

    Table Contents

    Intial Table before CSS

  1. For accessibility, the text recommends using the summary attribute which is deprecated and will not validate. In reading a number of articles, the consensus is to include the information either in a visible description of the table or in the <caption> tag. (Note: There is a new <details> tag but it is only supported by a few browsers so it cannot be used just yet.)  
    1. Do NOT include a summary attribute for the table element
    2. Add a <caption> which must be located at the top of the table:  "Table of Luxury Yurt Packages"
  2. Save your page and test it in a browser. If the page does not display as you intended, review your work, validate the CSS, validate the HTML, modify as needed, and test again.

Task 3: Configure the CSS. Modify the external style sheet (pacific.css). Open pacific.css in a text editor. Add styles to configure the table on the Yurts page as shown below.

  1. Place all of the CSS selectors related to the table in one area of the CSS file. Separate and identify this area using comments, similar to what was done previously. This will make the code easier to read and update as needed. Example: /* ------------------ Table -------------------------*/
  2. Configure the table.
    1. Configure the < table> element selector so the table is centered (HInt: margin) with a 1px solid border of blue #39C, a width of 90%.. and borders in the table collapse (use border-collapse: collapse;)
    2. Configure the table (<th> and <td>) element selectors with padding of 5px and border that is 1px solid blue #39C
    3. Configure the <td> element selector so that the text is centered. (use text-align: center; ).
    4. Configure the .text class: Notice that the content in the table data cells that contain the text description is not centered. Code a new style rule for a class named text that will override the td style rule and left-align the text (use text-align: left; ).
    5. Configure <tr> element selector the alternate row background color. The table looks more appealing if the rows have alternate background colors, but it is still readable without them. Apply the :nth-of-type CSS3 pseudo-class to configure the even table rows with a light-blue background color (#F5FAFC).
    6. In pacific.css within @media print { } which is for the print version, create a class named newPage which can be used to force a page break before the current element. Use page-break-before: always;
  3. Save and validate the pacific.css file. View yurts in the browser.
Desktop Version
Desktop Version Table

Mobile Version
Mobile Version of Table

Print Version
Print Version of Table

Final Steps:
FileZilla upload the entire pacific07 folder to your Apollo web site.

Desktop Version:

Tablet Version:

Smartphone Version:

Print Version:
It is recommended that Print Preview or Preview as PDF be used to save paper and printer ink/toner.

Common Requirements for All Web Pages

    1. The web pages must display correctly in all of the following: FireFox, Chrome, Internet Explorer.
    2. The links between the existing pages with the Pacific Trails Resort website cannot be broken.
    3. All HTML and CSS code must be well documented, properly indented, and easy to read.

Mandatory Requirements

Failure to adhere to and/or include the following items will prevent the assignment from being graded.
Note: If time permits, the assignment can be resubmitted during the late/resubmit period, but there will be a 10% penalty.

    1. No additional formatting is allowed at this point in time only what is outlined in the text.
    2. All pages must include DOCTYPE, <meta> tag, and <html> tag information.
    3. The link to the web page in the submission area of the LMS must open the homepage in a new browser window.
    4. All web pages must validate (HTML5 and CSS) without errors using the Web Developer Tool Bar in FireFox or Google Chrome.
      Validate for CSS3.

Assignment Submission:

There are two parts to submitting the assignment: uploading the website to the Apollo server and submitting the URL within the LMS.