CS2413: Web Site Development
Pacific Trails Resorts - Forms


Point Value:


Text Pages: Chapters 9 and 12

Reference: Silent Video on YouTube.com which is a demonstration of the completed assignment. Disclaimer: If you see something that is contradictory to our class assignments, please ask. Do not assume that since it is on the video that it is 100% correct.

Sample assignment video: Pacific Trails Resort - Forms

Only the pacific12 folder is shown in the video since it contains the required and the extra credit specifications. The form assignment in pacific9 would be the same as the form in pacific12.
Color Chart: There is also a color chart to help with color names and numbers.
Errata Sheet: Chapter Updates for Chapter 9 and Chapter 12
    In the new window, click on Chapter 9/ Chapter 12 and then scroll to the bottom of center column to locate Chapter Updates.

The following is a modification of the Pacific Trails Resort case study assignment located on pages 444-447 (Ch 9); 540-543 (Ch 12) of your textbook. Follow the instructions as indicated below for this assignment:

Pacific Trails Resort Case Study

See Chapter 2 for an introduction to the Pacific Trails Resort case study. Figure 2.38 shows a site map for Pacific Trails. Use the Chapter 8 Pacific Trails website as a starting point for this case study. You will create the new Reservations page that contains a form. You have the following tasks in this case study:

  1. Create a new folder for this Pacific Trails case study.
  2. Create the new Reservations page. Figure 9.43; page 447 is a wireframe Pacific Trails Reservations page
  3. Modify the style sheet to configure style rules for the new form for all three versions (screen, mobile, print)

Hands-On Practice Case Study
Task 1: Create a folder. Make a copy of the pacific08 folder. Rename the copy pacific09. All work for this assignment will be done on the files in the new pacific09 folder.

Task 2: Create the Reservations Page. Use the Home page as the starting point for the Reservations page. Launch a text editor and open index.html. Save the file as reservations.html. Modify your reservations.html file to look similar to the Reservations page (shown in Figure 9.43) as follows:

  1. Change the page title to reflect the content of this page

          Pacific Trails Resort :: Reservations by Firstname Lastname
                  Note: “Firstname” and “Lastname” are to be replaced with your name

  2. Delete the image, paragraph, unordered list, and address in the content area. Do not delete the logo header, navigation, or page footer areas of the page.
  3. Replace the text contained within the <h2> tags with: “ Reservations at Pacific Trails ”.
  4. Configure a <h3> element on a new line with the following text: “Contact Us”.
  5. Add a <p> with the following text:

    Required infomation is marked with an asterisk(*).

  6. Configure a <form> element with the following attributes:
    1. method: post
    2. action:http://webdevbasics.net/scripts/pacific.php
    3. id and name:  myReservations
  7. Configure form controls for the following items.  Each control must have a name, id, tabindex and accesskey as well as a corresponding label element that is associated with the control by using the for element. Note that First Name, Last Name, Email, Arrival Date, and Nights are required fields.

    1. First Name
      1. type: textbox
      2. id and name: myFName
      3. label text: *First Name:
      4. accesskey: F
      5. tabindex: 1
      6. required
    2. Last Name
      1. type: textbox
      2. id and name: myLName
      3. label text: *Last Name:
      4. accesskey: L
      5. tabindex: 2
      6. required
    3. Email
      1. type: email  (Use this HTML5 type)
      2. id and name: myEmail
      3. label text: *Email:
      4. accesskey: E
      5. tabindex: 3
      6. required
    1. Phone
      1. type: tel  (Use this HTML5 type)
      2. id and name: myPhone
      3. label text: Phone:
      4. accesskey: P
      5. tabindex: 4
    2. Arrival
      1. type: date  (Use this HTML5 type)
      2. id and name: myArrival
      3. label text: *Arrival:
      4. accesskey: A
      5. tabindex: 5
      6. required
    3. Nights
      1. type: number  (Use this HTML5 type)
      2. id and name: myNights
      3. label text: *Nights:
      4. min: 1
      5. max: 14
      6. accesskey: N
      7. tabindex: 6
      8. required
      1. type: textarea
      2. id and name: myComments
      3. label text: Comments:
      4. rows: 2
      5. cols: 20
      6. accesskey: C
      7. tabindex: 7
    2. Submit
      1. type: submit
      2. id and name: mySubmit
      3. accesskey: S
      4. tabindex: 8
      5. class: printHidden
      6. value: Submit Form
      7. label: not included
    3. Reset
      1. type: reset
      2. id and name: myReset
      3. accesskey: R
      4. tabindex: 9
      5. class: printHidden
      6. value: Clear Form
      7. label: not included

  8. Be sure to close the form element using </form> which must be located after the submit and reset buttons.
  9. Save and validate the reservations.html file.
Reservation Form before CSS
Screen version withOUT CSS styling

Task 3: Configure the CSS. Modify the external style sheet (pacific.css). Open pacific.css in a text editor.
The text labels for the form controls will be on the left side of the content area and there will be empty vertical space between each form control. To accomplish this, configure CSS as indicated below:

  1. Create a section in the css file by using comments where all of the styles related to reservations will be included.
    Example: /* ---------------------------- Forms -------------------------- */
  2. Create a <label> element selector to float to the left with block display. Assign a width of 10em, set right padding to 1em, and right align the text in the <label> elements.
  3. Configure the <input> element and <textarea> element selectors with display of block and a bottom margin of 1em.
  4. Configure an id named mySubmit with a left margin of 10em and display as inline.
  5. Configure an id named myReset with a left margin of 0.5em and display as inline.
  6. In the print version, the Submit and Reset buttons are not used so they should not be shown. In pacific.css within @media print { } which is for the print version configure a class named printHiddenset the visibility property to hidden.
  7. In the smartphone version the layout will be vertical. The labels will appear above the form elements not to the left of them. The Reset button will appear below the submit button not next to it. Within the @media only all and (max-width:768px){} section of the pacific.css file,
    1. Configure the myReset and mySubmit ids with a left margin of 2em and display of block.
    2. Configure the <label>, <input> and <textarea> form element with the following properties:
      clear - both, left margin - 2em, top margin - 0.1em, text aligned-left
  8. In the tablet version, there will be no additional changes.
  9. Save and validate the HTML and CSS. View the four versions (screen, smartphone, tablet, and print) to verify that they display correctly.
  10. Test the required field validation by submitting the form in Firefox and/or Chrome. Leave fields blank or enter incorrect data to see if the HTML5 validation works as it should.

Form: Screen Version
Screen Version


Form: Print Version
Print Version


Form: Mobile Version Form:Tablet Version
Mobile Versions

If you would like to do the extra credit, continue on with the instructions for Chapter 12 below.

Chapter 12 - E-Commerce (Extra Credit)

Earn a maximum 15 possible points. This is extra credit which means students must figure it out on their own. Lab assistants and tutors will be instructed that this is an assignment that must be done solely by the student. I will be willing to help students after the final due date, but not before. This is to be your project.

See Chapter 12 for an introduction to the Pacific Trails Resort case study. A new web page will be added for selling books on yoga and hiking at Pacific Trails Resort. The new page will be part of the site navigation system and all pages must link to it. Figure 12.12 (p. 541) shows a revised site map for Pacific Trails. If you choose to do the extra credit, it will be done in your Pacific09 folder.

CAVEAT: Since new shop page will be part of your website, if it does not validate, the Chapter 9 assignment also will not be eligible for grading (not just the extra credit portion). So check and double check the CSS and HTML validation.

Task 1: Create the Shop Page. Use the Home page as the starting point for the Reservations page.

      1. Change the page title to reflect the content of this page

              Pacific Trails Resort :: Shop by Firstname Lastname
                      Note: “Firstname” and “Lastname” are to be replaced with your name

      2. Delete the image, paragraph, unordered list, and address in the content area. Do not delete the logo header, navigation, or page footer areas of the page.
      3. Replace the text contained within the <h2> tags with: “Shop at Pacific Trails”.
      4. Create the Hiking Guide item:
        1. Configure an <h3> element to display "Pacific Trails Hiking Guide
        2. Write the HTML to display the trailguide.jpg image. All required attributes must be included.
        3. Code a paragraph that will display the following:

          Guided hikes to the best trails around Pacific Trail Resort. Each hike includes a detailed route, distance, elevation change, and estimate time. 187 pages. Softcover. $19.95.

        4. Each item for sale has an “ Add to Cart ” button, which is contained within a form with an action attribute set to invoke the http://www.webdevfoundations.net/scripts/cart. asp server- side script.

          Remember that whenever you use server- side scripts, there will be some documentation or specifications for you to follow. This script processes a limited shopping cart that only works with two items. The shop. html web page will pass information to the script by using hidden fields in the form that contains the button to invoke the script. Please pay careful attention to detail when working on this. To add the shopping cart button for the Hiking Guide book below the description paragraph, write the following code. Add id, accesskey, and tabindex attributes where required.

          Hiker Guide Code

          This HTML invokes a server- side script that processes a demonstration shopping cart. The hidden fields named desc1 and cost1 are sent to the script when the Submit button is clicked. These indicate the name and cost of the item.
        5. Code a line break <br> with a class of clear.
      5. Create a Yoga item
        1. Configure an <h3> element to display "Yurt Yoga"
        2. Write the HTML to display the yurtyoga.jpg image
        3. Code a paragraph that will display the following:

          Enjoy the restorative poses of yurt yoga in the comfort of your own home. Each pose is illustrated with several photographs, an explanation, and a description of the restorative benefits. 206 pages. Soft-cover. $ 24.95

        4. Each item for sale has an “ Add to Cart ” button, which is contained within a form with an action attribute set to invoke the http://www.webdevfoundations.net/scripts/cart. asp server- side script.

          Remember that whenever you use server- side scripts, there will be some documentation or specifications for you to follow. This script processes a limited shopping cart that only works with two items. The shop. html web page will pass information to the script by using hidden fields in the form that contains the button to invoke the script. Please pay careful attention to detail when working on this. To add the shopping cart button for the Hiking Guide book below the description paragraph, write the following code. Add id, accesskey, and tabindex attributes where required.

          Code for Shop - Yoga

          This HTML invokes a server- side script that processes a demonstration shopping cart. The hidden fields named desc2 and cost2 are sent to the script when the Submit button is clicked. These indicate the name and cost of the item.
        5. Code a line break <br> with a class of clear.
      6. Save your page and test it in a browser. Click the Add to Cart button for one of the books. Experiment with the cart and try to purchase both items. You can simulate placing an order (See Figures 12.7 and 12.8 on pp. 522 -523. This is for JavaJam Case study but it should let you see the basic processing. The shopping cart and order pages are for demonstration purposes only.
      Shop: Screen Version
      Screen Version
      Shop: Print
      Print Version
      Shop: Mobile
      Tablet and Smartphone Versions

Task 2: Configure the CSS. Modify the external style sheet (pacific.css). Open pacific.css in a text editor.

      1. Configure the <form> so there is 2em of padding below each form.
        form {padding-bottom:0.2em;}

Task 3: Tablet, Smartphone, and Print Versions.
         The text provides instructions for the screen versions. Students must determine the modifications needed for the print and tablet/smartphone versions.

      1. Mobile version
        • must use the vertical format.
        • In the smartphone/tablet versions, the CSS code currently is configured so no images are displayed. However, for the shopping cart, the images must be displayed. Consider wrapping the shopping cart in a div with an id of something like "shoppingCart". Then the images in that area can be accessed by using #shoppingCart img {....} Code could be written to override the defaults for mobile web pages.
        • In the smartphone/tablet versions, the CSS code currently is configured so the descriptions are displayed next to the images. It would probably be better if they were below. In each of the forms, consider wrapping the <p> and <form> elements in div with a class of something like "productDescription". In the mobile media queries, add a property to this class to clear both. This will force the product name, description, and Add to Cart button below the image.
      2. Print Version
        • The "Add to Cart" buttons are not to be displayed on the print version.
      3. All elements requiring a name and id must have one assigned.
      4. TabIndex and AccessKeys must be used
      5. Save your pages, validate and view them.

Final Steps for both Required Assignment and Extra Credit:

    FileZilla upload the entire pacific09 folder to your Apollo web site.

    Desktop Version:

    Tablet Version:

    Smartphone Version:

    Print Version:
    It is recommended that Print Preview or Preview as PDF be used to save paper and printer ink/toner.

    Common Requirements for All Web Pages

      1. The web pages must display correctly in all of the following: FireFox, Chrome, Internet Explorer.
      2. The links between the existing pages with the Pacific Trails Resort website cannot be broken.
      3. All HTML and CSS code must be well documented, properly indented, and easy to read.

    Mandatory Requirements

    Failure to adhere to and/or include the following items will prevent the assignment from being graded.
    Note: If time permits, the assignment can be resubmitted during the late/resubmit period, but there will be a 10% penalty.

      1. No additional formatting is allowed at this point in time only what is outlined in the text.
      2. All pages must include DOCTYPE, <meta> tag, and <html> tag information.
      3. The link to the web page in the submission area of the LMS must open the homepage in a new browser window.
      4. All web pages must validate (HTML5 and CSS) without errors using the Web Developer Tool Bar in FireFox or Google Chrome.
        Validate for CSS3.

    Assignment Submission:

    There are two parts to submitting the assignment: uploading the website to the Apollo server and submitting the URL within the LMS.