CS2413: Web Site Development
WSD15: Final Project Posts


Point Value:

In the LMS in the Week 16 folder, there is a Discussion Forum for the Final Project - Posts and Critiques.

  1. Create a new Discussion Topic (4 Points)
    Add a new discussion topic. In the subject line include the title of your website. In the message area include the URL (working link that opens in a new window) and short description of your web page.

    Creae a new topic

  2. Review Specifications: (4 sites @ 4 points each)
      1. Click on the reply link and review
      2. Use the Web Design Best Practices Checklist located on pages 200-201 of your text as the basis of your evaluation.
        • State which item is being evaluated (Example: Page Layout 1, Navigation 5, or Color and Graphics 7). Critiques may not just merely duplicate the comments of other reviewers.). There is to be a minimum of three criteria per critique.
        • Include your overall opinion of the site.
        • Give meaningful feedback not just broad generalizations
        • Additional comments are encouraged
        • When critiquing the sites, keep in mind how hard you worked on your site and what type of encouragement you would like to receive.   Constructive criticism is beneficial, but please do it in a kind and helpful manner.
        • See the sample below.

Discussion Replies

Assignment Submission: