1. Expand by clicking on the topic name
    Example: Objectives, Assignments and Due Dates, Required Readings, Required Tutorials, and so on or click on the Open All link located above the first blue area on the right of the screen.
  2. Scroll down to read Professor's Class Notes and Comments.
    These are essential to your success in the course.
  • Access your MoodleRooms account
  • Navigate the Web Site Development Course
  • Access the Weekly Materials
  • Create a screenshot and save it as a gif/jpg/png file
  • Submit work using the LMS's tools
  • Submit an assessment (quiz)

Chapter 1 - Introduction to the Internet and the World Wide Web

  • Describe the evolution of the Internet and the Web
  • Explain the need for web standards
  • Describe Universal Design
  • Identify benefits of accessible web design
  • Identify reliable resources of information on the Web
  • Identify ethical use of the Web
  • Describe the purpose of web browsers and web servers
  • Identify networking protocols
  • Define URIs and domain names
  • Describe HTML, XHTML, and HTML5
  • Describe popular trends in the use of the Web
Assignments and Due Dates

Assignments and Due Dates: View

Required Readings

Web Development & Design Foundations with HTML5 - 7th Edition by Terry Felke-Morris
Chapter 1:    Introduction to the Internet and the World Wide Web

Required Tutorials

Moodle Orientation (located in MoodleRooms under MyCourses | Moodle_Orientation)

Text's Companion Website - VideoNotes: http://wps.pearsoned.com/ecs_felke_webdevdesf_7/
(Page number indicates related page in the textbook)

  • Chapter 1: Evolution of the Web (Page 2)
Sample Code and/or Data Files

None this week

Supplemental Materials
  1. PowerPoint from Text: Chapter 1- View (ppt) | Print (pdf)
  2. Author's Web Site: http://www.webdevfoundations.net/7e/chapter1.html
    (Scroll to the bottom of each chapter's web page for the chapter updates AKA errata sheet )
  3. Textbook's Website: http://wps.pearsoned.com/ecs_felke_webdevdesf_7/ (The access code is located in the front of the text. For those with used text's the code is available online. Click on the link above.)
Required Software
Recommended Chapter Questions and Test Reviews (Chapter Review Questions are not required, but recommended as prep for quizzes)

Chapter 1 Reviews:
Although no points are earned for the Quizlet tests, it is highly recommended that students know the answers. It is an excellent way to prepare for both the weekly quizzes and major tests.

Test 1 Review Sheet: Test 1 Review
It is highly recommended that students work through the test review sheets as each chapter is studied. It will help with learning the material and may reduce the amount of study time required for the major tests.

Required Assignments

WSD01a: Moodle Orientation (Moodle)
WSD01b: Course Policies (Moodle)
WSD01c: Student Information Form (Moodle)
WSD01d: Email/Student Picture (Moodle's Quickmail)
WSD01e: Sample Review Test (Screenshot from author's web site-Moodle)
QUIZ: Chapter 01 (Moodle)

WSD13: Online Bookmarks
This will be a semester long project of bookmarking websites which may be beneficial for future web work. It is introduced this week (with a reminder next week) so that you can work on it as the semester progresses. However, it will not be submitted for credit until the week of Test 3.

Professor's Class Notes and Comments

The Learning Management System (LMS) used for this course is MoodleRooms which is a version of the open source code known as Moodle. It is similar to ANGEL, BlackBoard, Desire2Learn(D2L) and other programs. For convenience, the acronym LMS will be used to reference the software which contains the online components of this course. This is where you will access weekly materials, submit assignments, and take tests. (Reminder: The three major tests will be located in the LMS but must be physically taken in the Student Computer Center - a supervised environment)

Each week, there is a Course Content web page that is located in that week's folders in the LMS. This should be the FIRST place you access each week. It is your guide to weekly activities. This Weekly Course Content page as well as the Assignments and Due Dates page have been designed to work on mobile devices. They have been tested on iPads, iPhones, NetBooks, and Droids. Hopefully, this will make it easier to access class materials.

Okay, now get comfy ... it is important that you read ALL of the following.....

Weekly activities:

  • Log into the course at least three (3) times AND check your college email (my.occc.edu) at least three (3) times a week.
  • Check for new announcements and Discussion List postings on a regular basis
  • Review the Due Dates
    Accessible in the Course Information folder in MoodleRooms and also on each of the Weekly Course Content web pages.
  • Read the required text material including typing the sample code as appropriate
  • Watch the required tutorials and/or videos.
  • Answer the Chapter Review Questions (link above to the .rtf file)
    Note: This can be done as you read the chapter or afterwards. Since quiz and test questions will be taken from these, be sure to do it before taking the weekly quiz and major tests.
  • Use the materials in the Supplemental Materials folder as needed. This includes the PowerPoints that accompany the text, the resources in Quizlet, and the author's website.
  • Check the text errata sheet as needed
  • Review the exercises at the end of the chapter as outlined in the Test Review Sheet ( Again, the Test Review will be located in the the Chapter Questions and Test Review folder)
    Note: This can be done on a weekly basis or when it is test time. It might be easier to do it as you proceed through the material.
  • Complete the required assignment/s. Most weekly assignments will be worth 30 points. Some weeks it will be easier to earn the 30 points and some weeks it will be more time consuming.
  • Take the chapter quiz (10 points)

It is understood that the above list looks pretty hefty, but some the items will not take that long. Also keep in mind that many of these activities are replacing the 2.5 hours students normally spend in class as well as the driving, parking, and waiting time involved with taking a class on campus.

This week...

This week take time to read the syllabus, familiarize yourself with the LMS, complete the introductory assignments, read Chapter 1, view the VideoNotes (see Required Tutorials above), answer the Chapter Review Questions, use the resources in Quizlet, explore the author's website, and take the quiz. (Yes, there are an unusually high number of assignments this week but a number of them should be able to be done quickly.)

Class Email:

All class email will be done through your my.occc.edu account. The LMS does have a QuickMail component. This will allow users to send email from within the LMS. The email message however is sent to your student email account and must be read using that account. Using QuickMail will add the required course ID to the subject line. For emails not sent through QuickMail the CS2413 must be included in the subject line. Failure to do so may result in the email not being read. Personal accounts such as gmail, hotmail, or yahoo are not acceptable.However, email may be viewed on smartphones. (http://www.occc.edu/email) Again, all class correspondence must be done through your official student email account (my.occc.edu).

Submitting Assignments:

All assignments will be completed through the LMS and will not be accepted for credit by any other means (One exception, the first week of class, students will forward the instructor the email stating they have successfully completed the LMS Orientation and the will also email the instructor a picture of themselves - See the assignment specifications in this week's folder in the LMS.) In the beginning of the course, if you need help with this, email me after you have submitted the assignment and I will verify if it has been submitted correctly. With this being said, 24 hours turn around time must be allowed for my response. If time permits during the late/resubmit period the assignment may be resubmitted for a maximum of 90% credit. If it is past the final deadline, it can no longer be submitted for credit. Assignments (not quizzes or tests) may be submitted multiple times, but only the last submission will be retained by the LMS and graded.


Most assignments are due on Sunday night at 11:45pm. Grading is done once a week, most often on Monday. When weekly or test grading has been completed, an email will be sent to the class. At times during the grading process, an assignment/test may be released to the grade book before the grades are entered resulting in a temporary 0. If you happen to login and look at your grades during that period, please wait until the "Grading has been completed" email is received before beginning to panic.

Chapter 1:

There are no specific instructor notes this week.

Study the Material: (Note: Allow this outline may not be listed in future weeks, it is recommended that it be followed on an ongoing basis)

      1. Read the chapter, watch the VideoNotes, answer the Chapter Review Questions, check the text updates page, and use the resources in Quizlet. Depending on how you learn, it might be helpful to answer the Chapter Review Questions, and possibly annotating a page reference, as you initially read through the chapter. Whether you answer the questions as you read or after you read the chapter, just be sure to answer them. While the answers will not be submitted for a grade, quiz and test questions will come from these.
        (Links located above)
      2. Complete the Assignments
        (Assignment specifications and submission area within the LMS)
      3. Review the chapter using the Chapter review questions and the Test 1 Review Sheet. Quizlets are also an exellent resource.
        (Link located above)

      4. Take the weekly quiz
        (Located in the LMS)


Have you?

  • Read the entire Weekly Materials Page
  • Read the Professor's Notes
  • Completed the Moodle Orientation
  • Done the Required Readings
  • Watched the Required Video
  • Answered the Review Questions
  • Used the Supplemental Materials you might have found helpful
  • Installed the Required Software
  • Completed the Required Assignments