CS2513: Client-Side Programming
Assignment Submission Requirements

  1. Web pages must pass both CSS and HTML5 validation

Sample Web Page Outline

Using CSS3 is allowed and encouraged. To modify Firefox to allow for CSS3

To add a menu item to Validate CSS3 by URL

  1. In the Web Developer Bar (not the main toolbar) click on Tools
  2. Click on Edit Tools
  3. Select Tools from the  sidebar at the left
  4. Select Validate CSS under Description. This will highlight that item.
  5. Click on the Edit… button on the bottom
  6. Copy the URL from the URL text box.
  7. The click on Cancel.
  8. Back in the Tools area, click on the Add… button
  9. In the Description enter CSS3
  10. Add a keyboard shortcut if desired
  11. Select the URL radio button
  12. Paste the URL into the URL text box
  13. Change css2 to css
  14. Click Ok
  15. There should now be a new option in the Web Developer Bar under tools that says Validate CSS3

For Local

  1. In the Web Developer Bar (not the main toolbar) click on Tools
  2. Click on Edit Tools
  3. Select Validation from the sidebar at the left
  4. In the middle there is an area for Validate Local CSS next to Profile, select the CSS 3 radio button and click on OK
  5. Local files can now be validated for CSS3
  1. JavaScript must not generate any errors or warnings when validated with Firefox’s error console.

  2. Each .js page musst include a minimum of the following comments:
    /" ----------------------
       FileName: xxxxx.js
       Date: mm/dd/yyyy
       Author: Your Name
       ---------------------- "/

  3. Each web file must include the following meta tags in the <head> section. The

    <meta name="author" content=".......Enter your name.......">
    <meta name="date" content=".......Enter month and year of webpage.......">
    <meta name="description" content=".......Enter web page description.......">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">

  4. Each web page must include an OCCC disclaimer and JavaScript generated revised date. This can be done by adding the following end of each page. Using CSS, add formatting that compliments your web page. As the course progresses, the date last modified can be modified to make it look more professional. If the date last modified is missing or later than the due date, the assignment will either be considered late or not accepted if past the final deadline.

<!-- Begin Footer -->
         document.write("Last Updated: " + document.lastModified)
   <p>Oklahoma City Community College does not necessarily endorse the content
      or respective links of this page.</p>
<!-- End Footer -->

  1. CSS files must include the comments in the following format at the top of the page

/" ----------------------
   FileName: xxxxx.css
   Date: mm/dd/yyyy
   Author: Your Name
   ---------------------- "/

  1. CSS files must include a color and typography reference sections similar to the following but expanded to include the content for the entire website.
    (Note: #FF00FF can also be written #F0F. Examples of both are shown below)


Background: #FFFFFF (white)
Content: #000 (black)
Header h1: #F00 (red)
Footer: #c6c6c6 (gray)

a (standard): #0000FF(blue)
a (visited): #0F0 ( bright green)
a (active): #FF0000 (red)


Body: 1em Tahoma, Verdana, Arial
Headers: 2.7em/1.3em "Times New Roman", Georgia, serif;
Navigation Buttons: .75em Tahoma, Verdana, Arial;

Notes: decreasing heading by 0.4em with every subsequent heading level


  1. All files must contain appropriate documentation (comments) to facilitate updates and maintenance on the web site.
    XHTML File Comments             <!--Comment -->
    Cascading Style Sheet Comment   /" Single/Multiple Line Comments "/
    JavaScript Comment              /" Single/Multiple Line Comments "/
    Single Line Comments            // Comment

  2. All functiona and variable must be named with meaningful names. Examples: Acceptable: userResponse Unacceptable: R

  3. All pages must view correctly in Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer.

  4. Unless otherwise specified all assignments will be posted to your Apollo1 Account.
(user##### will be replaced by the login you received from your instructor and jschapter## with be replaced by the chapter number.)
  1. Create a separate folder/directory locally and on apollo1 for each assignment.

  2. Submit the URL through the LMS..