CS2513: Client-side Programming
Test 5 Review

Testing Procedures

Tests will be taken in the Student Computer Center (SCC) located on the third floor of OCCC's library (not the Testing Center in the main building). It may not be taken from home or work. Students living more than 50 miles from campus may arrange for testing at a proctored location. It is the student's responsibility to locate a proctor site and pay any related fees. Students meeting this criteria and wishing to use a proctored site must contact their professor within the first two weeks of class so the arrangements can be made in a timely manner.

The test will consist of two parts: Theory and Coding. The Theory will be multiple choice and true/false questions. This portion will be worth 60 points and has a 60 minute time limit. The coding and short answer portion will be worth 40 points and has a 90 minute time limit. The total test is worth 100 points. The tests are located in Moodle. The proctor will enter the password for the theory portion. When the student has completed and submitted this portion, the proctor will be notified and requested to enter the password for the coding portion. The coding portion must begin within 10 minutes of completion of the theory portion. In other words, they must both be taken during the same sitting. Students may not leave their computer during a test and return later to finish the test. If it becomes necessary to leave the computer, the test will be submitted and the unanswered questions will be marked as incorrect.

Students may use one 3"x5" note card (both sides) of notes which was hand written or prepared with a word processor. Photocopying portions of the text and/or references from the Internet is not allowed. Students must include their name on the note card and MUST submit it to the proctor upon completion of the test.

Using notes of a larger size and/or not following these specifications will result in a 30% penalty. In other words, 30 points will be deducted from the final test grade

The following are not permitted while taking a test

If you have ANY questions about the testing procedures, PLEASE contact me before going to the SCC. Allow 24 hours for an email response keeping in mind that it may be longer on weekends and holidays.

Test Review


Questions will be taken primarily from the Chapter Review questions which are the same ones that were used for the weekly quizzes.


Code questions can be variations of coding assignment and/or text material. It will not be exactly the same situation. Tests may include material not in Hands-on project and/or assignments. It is not reasonably possible to have then assignments be in that much depth.