Assignments and Due Dates
Required Tutorials
Required Sample Code

None this week.

Supplemental Materials
Chapter Questions and Test Reviews
Required Assignments

Tests are scheduled on campus in the Student Computer Center (3rd Floor of the Library) http://www.occc.edu/IT/SCC.html
See the Assignments and Due Dates page for testing dates.

Test 4 - Theory (Located in the LMS)
Test 4 - Coding (Located in the LMS)

Course Evaluation (Located in the LMS)

Professor's Class Notes and Comments

Test 4
The primary activity this week is to study for the test and to do well on it. Be sure to use the review sheet and to take the test seriously - especially the coding portion.

Course Evaluation
Please complete the course evaluation which is worth bonus points. It will help make this a better course next time it is offered.

End of the Semester
The end of the semester is here. I hope you have enjoyed this course and learned a great deal. If you have not already taken it CS2623: Server-Side Programming will be offered next Spring. CS2623: Server-Side Programming and CS2513: Client-Side Programming alternate each semester. CS2513 is a Fall only course, and CS2623 is a Spring only course. So if you or anyone you know plans on taking these courses, sign up at the first possible chance, otherwise there may have to be a year wait before it is offered again.

Enjoy your break and take some well-deserved time off!

Study and Come Prepared for Test 4