CS2623: Server-Side Programming
Assignment Submission Requirements

  1. Web pages must pass both CSS and XHTML STRICT validation. Assignments not meeting this requirement cannot be graded even if it is the final deadline and not additional submissions are allowed. Individual include files do not need to validate as an individual file, however, the web page in which they are used/displayed must validate.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

The use CSS3 is allowed (and encouraged!) in this course. However, by default Web Developer's CSS Validation is set to CSS2.1. It is a simple fix to update it. In the Developer Tool Bar, click on Tools | Edit Tools. Select Validate CSS and then click on the Edit button. If not selected, choose the radio button next to URL. Change the URL as indicated below. Click on OK and the close the Tools dialog box. You may need to restart the browser.


  1. Each web file must include the following meta tags in the <head> section

    <meta name="author" content="...." />
    <meta name="description" content="...." />
    <meta name="keywords" content="...." />
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us" />

  2. Code must be properly indented for easy reading.

  3. All PHP code must use the script delimiter of <?php ... ?>. Short open tags may not be used.

  4. All files must contain appropriate documentation (comments) to facilitate updates and maintenance on the web site.
    XHTML File Comments             <!--Comment -->
    Cascading Style Sheet Comment   /* Single/Multiple Line Comments */
    JavaScript Comment              /* Single/Multiple Line Comments */
    Single Line Comments            // Comment

  5. Each web page must include an OCCC disclaimer

Oklahoma City Community College does not necessarily endorse the content or respective links of this page.

  1. CSS files must include the comments in the following format at the top of the page

/* ----------------------
   FileName: xxxxx.css
   Date: mm/dd/yyyy
   Author: Your Name
   ---------------------- */

  1. CSS files must include a color and typography reference sections similar to the following but expanded to include the content for the entire website.
    (Note: #FF00FF can also be written #F0F. Examples of both are shown below)


Background: #FFFFFF (white)
Content: #000 (black)
Header h1: #F00 (red)
Footer: #c6c6c6 (gray)

a (standard): #0000FF(blue)
a (visited): #0F0 ( bright green)
a (active): #FF0000 (red)


Body: 1em Tahoma, Verdana, Arial
Headers: 2.7em/1.3em "Times New Roman", Georgia, serif;
Navigation Buttons: .75em Tahoma, Verdana, Arial;

Notes: decreasing heading by 0.4em with every subsequent heading level


  1. All pages must view correctly in Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and IE.

  2. Unless otherwise specified all assignments will be posted to your Apollo1 Account.
(user##### will be replaced by the login you received from your instructor)
  1. If and when directed, create a separate folder/directory locally and on apollo1 for each assignment.

  2. Submit the URL through the LMS. Assignment URLs submitted in Moodle must be working links that open in a new window. Assignments not meeting this requirement cannot be graded even if it is the final deadline and no additional submissions are allowed.

  3. Resubmitting an assignment is a two step process.
    1. Upload the revised web page/s to Apollo1
    2. Resubmit the assignment within the LMS. (Unless it is resubmitted it cannot be graded and the current grade will remain even if that is a 0.)

  4. Apollo1 and the LMS submission areas are not disabled after the final deadline. Even if an assignment can physically be submitted after the final due date, it will not be graded and is not eligible for credit.