CS2413: Web Site Development
WSD13: Final Project Initial Assignment


Point Value:


Be sure to read the instructions below before uploading files to Apollo.
It is not the same as uploading the Pacific Trails folders

Web Project (See p. 237-238)

Be sure to read the instructions below before uploading to Apollo.
It is not the same as uploading the Pacific Trails folders

Organization of Apollo

Up until now, we have been uploading entire folders: pacific02, pacific03, pacific04 and so on. This has been done because these are NOT the main focus of this course. This has resulted in there being an additional folder name in the path. Example: apollo.occc.edu/user#####/pacific02.

GlobalWeb IS the main focus of this course so its files will not be in a sub-folder on the server. The will be in the root/main folder. The entire GlobalWeb folder will not be uploaded, just the web page with its related files. The URL to your Global Website will be http://apollo.occc.edu/user#### with no folder name. When this URL is entered, the Global Website must appear with no further navigation or clicking. In summary, on your local computer the final project web files (including graphics) will be in a folder named GlobalWeb. Perhaps the following image might help with your understanding. On the Apollo server, the files/folders will be in the root directory of your student account. If you need help with this, "please" ask!

FileZilla GlobalWeb Structure

Common Requirements for All Web Pages

Assignments failing to meet any of these items will be eligible for a maximum of 50% credit.
See additional Mandatory Requirements below (Not all of these apply at this point)

    1. Code must be properly indented and documented.
    2. The web pages must display correctly in FireFox, Chrome, Safari, and Internet Explorer.
    3. The links between the existing pages within the website must not be broken.
    4. All images must contain a height, width, and alt property.
    5. All images must display properly.
    6. All images must be in a separate folder.
    7. All form elements MUST have a
      1. name
      2. id
      3. accesskeys (not required on hidden fields)
      4. tabindex (not required on hidden fields)
      5. label (if appropriate)
    8. Each web page must have
      1. meaningful and relevant meta tags specific to that page.
      2. meaningful content of at least two paragraphs
      3. JavaScript indicating the date last modified
    9. JavaScript must execute without error. This will be tested using FireFox's Error Console.
    10. All HTML and CSS code must be well documented, properly indented, and easy to read.

Mandatory Requirements

Failure to adhere to and/or include the following items will prevent the assignment from being graded.
Note: If time permits, the assignment can be resubmitted during the late/resubmit period, but there will be a 10% penalty.

  1. All pages must include DOCTYPE, <meta> tag, and <html> tag information.
  2. The link to the web pages in the submission area of the LMS must open the pages in a new browser window.
  3. All web pages must validate (HTML5 and CSS) without errors using the Web Developer Tool Bar in FireFox or Google Chrome.
  4. All versions (screen, print, tablet, smart-phone) of the files will be evaluated.

Assignment Submission:

There are two parts to submitting the assignment: uploading the website to the Apollo server and submitting the URL within the LMS.