Assignments will consist of two parts: Hands-on Projects and an ongoing individual case project.
The Hands On Projects will from the end of each chapter. Although it is recommended that students complete all of the projects only a limited number will be submitted for grading.
In addition, students will create a comprehensive web site that will be enhanced and modified throughout the class. Please take this very seriously not only for the purposes of this assignment/class but also for possible inclusion in your web work portfolio. This week the emphasis will be on creation of the site including styles. navigation, and documentation. All pages must be adequately documented and validate. Be sure to read and adhere to the Class Coding Standards
Code for this assignment and future assignments may not be minified.
Any code that is minified will not be considered when grading which could result in a 0 for the assignment.
Grading requires that the code can easily be read.
Hands-on Projects
Required Projects
Supplement for 10-4:
Follow the instructions in the text and as outlined in the General Instructions in the Chapter 1 Assignment. The data files which accompany the text will be required for these assignments. They can be downloaded from . Within the downloaded files there will be a folder for each project.
Need a Visual Reference?
The following are videos are of all of the Hands-on projects for this chapter, not just the ones required for this assignment. If you see something that is contradictory to our class assignments, please ask. Do not assume that since it is on the video that it is 100% correct. Please note that the hands-on projects must validate for HTML5 and CSS3.
Website Project
Depending on the device and browser users will select text to be highlighted by touching/pointing, double touching/pointing, clicking, or dragging. At the completion of the gesture, all instances of that text (withing a specified area) will be highlighted in yellow. No additional action is required. The matches will be case sensitive. There will also be a clear button which when touched or clicked will remove all of the highlighting.
Need a Visual Reference?
The following video displays the basic functionality of the assignment and not the entire web page. Each student's site will be tailored to meet their talents and style. The following is just the most basic. If you see something that is contradictory to our class assignments, please ask. Do not assume that since it is on the video that it is 100% correct. All pages and items must validate for HTML5 and CSS3.
JavaScript(6e) Personal Website: Chapter 10-TouchScreens and Mobile DevicesThe video was done on a Toshiba laptop with Windows 10 and touch screen capabilities. Unfortunately there is no visual representation of the actual touches. Also on one or more of the browsers you may see the insertion point. The mouse was not used, it was all done with touch. Although this was tested, on an iPad, iPhone, Lenovo Tablet, and iMac videos of those actions have not been included in the video.
Disclaimer: was used to identify the browsers in the video. It will be obvious that the site has some formatting issues, but for just a quick look at the current browser it works fine.
- This week's work will required testing for touch, pointer, and mouse gestures. If you do not have a mobile device that uses a touch screen (phone, tablet, laptop) the computers in the SCC are touch screen and you are welcome to use those. I do have a tablet that uses a pointer, you are welcome to stop by during office hours if you wish. If you would like me to run a quick check for you on my tablet, email me the URL. I will not troubleshoot, just tell you if it works or not. Allow 24 hours for a response. Emailing me late Saturday or Sunday will not be sufficient turn-around time.
- Make a copy of the JSChapter09 and rename it JSChapter10. This week's work will be done using the files in this folder.
- Make a copy of state.htm/l and name it touch.htm/l. Delete the contents from the main area since it will be replaced by this week's work.
- Page Content
- In the main content area create a <div> area with an unique id. This will be the area targeted for the highlighting actions. In the video there is a border around the div area. This is for reference only and does not need to be included in your site. With that being said, limit the height and width of the div to the minimum required for the content. Be sure to check on more than one device. If the user uses a gesture in a blank area of the div, strange things may happen.
- Write a minimum of three paragraphs on mouse, touch, and pointer events (three paragraphs total not three on each topic). Each paragraph must a minimum of three sentences. Remember that information on the Internet cannot be copy/pasted. The information must be in your own words.
In CSP.js
- Update the top and bottom navigation such that the generic name of CH 10 is replaced by Touch and the corresponding links will link to the new page, touch.htm/l.
- At the top of the code (just below the initial comments) add a comment something similar to
/* ~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 10: Programming for Touchscreen and Mobile Devices~~~~~~~~~~~~
The JavaScript code is located in touch.js
In touch.js
- There are other ways of accomplishing this but one is as follows:
- retrieve the selected text string and assign it to a variable (maybe selectedText)
- modify the string so that is styled with a class (Hint: modifiedText = "<span class='highlight'>" + selectedText + "</span>";)
- replace() all instances of selectedText with modifiedText
- When the web page is reloaded, the highlighting will no longer appear on the web page. Knowing this will make the code in the clear highlighting function very short - one line of code.
- Include code for mouse, touch, pointer, and Microsoft pointer gestures
- Think about which event would be most logical for each variation (example: touchstart? touchmove? touchend?) Create the event listeners accordingly. Be sure to include mouse, touch, pointer, and the prefixed pointer for Internet Explorer 10 and Internet ExplorerMobile 10 (p. 697).
- The event listeners for the clear button must also include mouse, touch, pointer, and prefixed pointer.
- Retrieving the selected text may a bit more involved. One way is to use the getSelection() and createRange() methods. Since those methods have not been specifically covered in this class a little research on the web may be needed.
- Another slightly trickier (but very cool!) item will be replacing the selectedText with the modifiedText through out the the totalText
- totalText is all of the text within the <div> area.
- new RegExp()will be used as the parameter for the .replace() method.(p. 576 contains related information . The example is not the same situation, but it may help)
- RegExp()will accept variable names (as opposed to hard coded strings) and will utilize the global property (p. 575) .
- Please do not make this harder than it is. No REGEX meta-characters (other than g for global) are required in this code.
- Students are welcome to create the touch.js themselves or to download the template and use those as starter file