CS2513: Client-Side Programming

Instructor Information

Christopher Hyde, Adjunct Professor of Computer Science

  • Phone: 405-685-3776 (ext 3037)
  • Office: Library-Room 321
  • Office Hours: Wednesday 8:30-9:30 PM (online) or by appointment
  • Class Correspondence: Use the email in Moodle to send emails since it will automatically add the correct information in the subject line of the email. If that is not possible, please add CS2513 to the subject line of the email.
  • Read and reply to course emails using your my.occc.edu account
  • Email: christopher.b.hyde@occc.edu
  • Address: Oklahoma City Community College
    Division of Information Technology
    7777 South May Avenue
    Oklahoma City OK 73159-4444

Class Times and Location

  • Day(s): Online
  • Time: Not Applicable
  • Location: Not Applicable

Course Materials

CS2513 Text 5th Edition

JavaScript - 6th Edition
 Author: Sasha Vodnik and Don Gosselin, Publisher: Thomson-Course Technology
 ISBN-13: 978-1-305-07844-4
 ISBN-10:       1-305-07844-6

Electronic and Rental Options (limited time of access):
Be sure to read all of the documentation carefully so there are no unwanted surprises.

Course Requirements
Flash drive may be required for campus classes to save in-class work.

Software (It is best to test web pages in all major browsers)

Student Computer Center

Location and hours: http://www.occc.edu/it/scc.html

  • A valid OCCC student ID is required.
  • All tests must begin at least one hour prior to closing - no exceptions.

College Resources

Wireless Network The College has a college-wide WiFi network. To use this network, users will be required to sign on using their new integrated user name and password. The public WiFi network name is OCCC. This is the network that a user will find if they scan for a WiFi network on college property. Use of the WiFi network is governed under the "Student Acceptable use Policy for OCCC Wireless Network". All first time users will be required to accept the terms of this agreement before being granted access to the WiFi network.

College's Student Email http://www.occc.edu/email
This will be the official email for all college-wide correspondence. Please send course related emails through Quickmail in Moodle. If that is not possible, use your official college email and at minimum include CS2513 in the subject line.

Moodle http://online.occc.edu
Learning Management System (LMS) for courses at OCCC.

Course Information


Students will create dynamic web applications using client-side programming. A combination of current scripting/programming languages and web page authoring software will be utilized for topics such as: using the Document Object Model, coding event handlers, validating user input, manipulating graphics, and creating interactive web pages.


Students who successfully complete the course will be able to create web sites for personal and/or business purposes. They will be able to:

  • Describe and utilize the Document Object Model
  • Work with Objects
  • Create Dynamic web pages
  • Validate data
  • Utilize DHTML
  • Create web pages for mobile devices and touch screens
  • Use AJAX and JQuery
  • Adhere to deadlines and demonstrate timeliness by submitting assignments by the due date and staying current in the class.


Students will be able to create dynamic web pages including being able to:

JavaScript: The objectives are available at the beginning of each chapter in the text.. For example, for Chapter 1 they are in a bulleted list on page 1, for Tutorial 2 they are on page 73, and so on.

Class Policies

Course Requirements
  • Online students can have access to the Student Computer Center including the assistants if needed.
  • Assignments are to be completed as outlined in the Due Dates/Calendar area.
  • It is of utmost importance that students stay current and turn all work in on time
Due Dates
  • Assignments are due at the times posted on the Assignments and Due Dates page in Moodle.
  • Online submissions are due at 11:45pm unless otherwise stated.
  • Late submissions (through final deadline) are subject to 10% penalty.
  • Final deadlines are just that, FINAL.
  • There is only one due date for formal tests. The Late Submission policy does not apply to formal tests.
Students are expected to login to Moodle on a regular basis and check their official college email no less than FOUR(4) times a week. Students who do not login/check email at least 4 times a week may have their final grade lowered by one grade (Example: A to B). Requests for an exception must be made in writing to the instructor stating the conditions surrounding the reason for the request. Only under extenuating circumstances (for example, extended hospitalization or death in the family) will the instructor consider granting the request. If the request is granted, both the instructor and students must sign the terms of agreement.
Online Class Policies
  • Emails and Discussion List postings must use proper English and not email or text abbreviations.
  • Students must treat fellow students with respect both on campus and Online.
Monitoring Grades
Grades are available in Moodle. You may request review of a grade up to one week after the score is received. I will generally respond to your inquiries within two business days.
Email and Announcements
It is the student's responsibility to check his/her college email and course announcements at least 3-4 times a week. It is best to use Moodle's Quickmail to send email since it adds a code for this course. However, if that is not possible, then at minimum please include CS2513 in the subject line. Usually there will be an email response within 24 hours, however it may be longer on weekends and holidays.
Network Acceptable Use Policy
Oklahoma City Community College has made a significant investment in computer and communications technology to promote and support the exchange of information, both within the College and between the College and the rest of the world. These resources are provided to support the College's mission and institutional goals, and use of these resources shall be consistent with the mission, goals, and this policy. Oklahoma City Community College shall not be held liable for the actions of users of this network when those actions are inconsistent with this policy. This policy includes the use of College equipment and software to access the Internet.
  • Every user of the college network, equipment, communications systems, and/or college-owned software (all hereafter referred to as the network) will comply with the following standards:
  • The network will not be used to violate any college policies; city, state, or federal laws; or contracts and agreements entered into by the College.
  • The user will comply with the Acceptable Use Policy set forth by the OCCC's Acceptable Use Policy
    www.occc.edu/policy/pdf/3058.pdf ).
  • It is not acceptable for a user to gain, or attempt to gain, unauthorized access to another user's computer or data. The network is not to be used for commercial purposes.
  • No solicitations on behalf of groups, organizations, etc. that are not related to the College will be allowed.
  • It is not acceptable to use this network to threaten or harass others.
  • No sexually explicit messages, images, or cartoons will be allowed.
  • The College will not tolerate racial, ethnic, or gender-based slurs.
  • It is not acceptable to use this network to disrupt the functions of this network or other networks; it is also not acceptable to use this network to distribute viruses or other programs that would disrupt, damage, or destroy computer software and/or equipment.
  • If a user is found to have violated this policy, the College will take action consistent with its policies and procedures including, but not limited to, suspension and/or revocation of access to network services.
  • Instructors cannot administratively withdraw students. It is the student's responsibility.
  • If a student will not successfully complete the course, he/she must withdraw from the course by the end of the 12th week of a 16-week semester, by the end of the 6th week for an 8 week class, by the end of the 3rd week for 4 week class or ¾ of the duration of class. Withdrawal deadlines are published in the College Class Schedule. The grade on your permanent transcript is a "W" (Withdrawn) which has no impact on your grade point average. 
  • Failure to withdraw will mean the instructor will calculate your final grade as indicated in the syllabus.
  • If you stop attending and fail to withdraw, you will possibly receive a failing grade. which will be placed on your permanent transcript and used in the calculation of your GPA.
Administrative Withdrawal
Students who do not attend the course(s) for which they are enrolled will be reported by the individual faculty member as Never Attended and be subsequently administratively withdrawn from the course(s). Students who enroll, but do not attend will be responsible for the full amount of tuition and fees owed. More information on the Never Attend Policy is available in the OCCC Student Handbook.
Audit Students
Students who audit the course are expected to participate in the course the same as credit seeking students. This includes attending class and submitting assignments. (Audit students may not take the tests.) Failure to actively participate in class or missing more than 20% of the classes may result in being administratively withdrawn by the instructor. This administrative withdrawal applies to ONLY to students who audit a course.


Grading Time Lines

  • Grading is done once a week usually at the beginning of the week.
  • Grades will be posted in Moodle at http://online.occc.edu.
  • Students have one week after the grades have been posted to challenge a grade.
  • Failure to request the review in a timely manner or to provide requested information will result in the grade remaining as originally posted.
  • It is highly recommended that all graded assignments (for all classes) be saved until after the final grade has been posted in MineOnline.

Late Work

  • Students, at times, may be allowed to submit late work or resubmit an assignment after the initial due date.
    Again, this does not apply to formal tests. There is not late date for tests.
  • There will be a 10% penalty of the total possible points.
  • Once the final due date has passed, work can no longer be accepted for credit: no full credit, no partial credit.
  • Various course submission areas are not disabled after the final deadline. Therefore, even if an assignment can physically be submitted after the final due date, it will not be graded and is not eligible for credit.

Final Grades

  • A - Accomplished Course Objectives with Excellence
    (4.0 Grade Point) - 90% or better of the total possible points
  • B - Accomplished Course Objectives with Merit
    (3.0 Grade Point) - 80% and 89% of the total possible points.
  • C - Accomplished Course Objectives with Competence
    (2.0 Grade Point) - 70% and 79% of the total possible points
  • D - Accomplished Course Objectives with Acceptance
    (1.0 Grade Point) - 60% and 69% of the total possible points. 
    This grade level does not satisfy Computer Science course prerequisites
  • F - Did NOT Accomplish Course Objectives with at Least Minimal Acceptance.
    (0.0 Grade Point) - below 60% of total possible points

Course Points

Tests:              ~500  Points (05 @ 100 Points)
Assignments         ~490  Points (12 @  40 Points, 2@5 Points)
Chapter Quizzes:    ~ 60  Points (12 @   5 Points)
Total:            ~1,050  Points

Note: ~ means approximately


  • All testing (except for weekly quizzes if applicable) for Online students will be scheduled on campus in the Student Computer Center on the 3rd floor of the OCCC Library where a valid OCCC student ID is required; tests must be started no later than one hour before the center closes.
  • Students in on-campus sections will take tests in class
  • Retesting to improve an exam score is not allowed.
  • Students may not use headsets, phones or any electronic devices other that the testing computer during exams.
  • Students must take the test in one sitting, no leaving and coming back later.
  • Students may not converse/communicate with other during the test. Doing so will result in the test being submitted immediately even if students have not completed the test.
  • Students must take tests at designated times.
  • Students unable to take a test at the designated time must make arrangements with the professor before the designated date/s. Only under very extreme circumstances will students be allowed to schedule outside of the designated times.
  • Not having access to the Internet is not an excuse for failure to contact a professor. The schools phone number is 682-1611 then ask for your professor by name.


In addition to my being available during office hours and via email, the Student Computer Center staff and tutors are also available for assistance.  While some of the best learning takes place when we solve problems ourselves, please do not wait until it is too late. Ask for help when you need it. They will be happy to explain concepts and procedures.

A list of the full time staff can be found at the following URL. There are also other tutors and supplemental instructors available depending on the semester. Check with the Center for details. http://www.occc.edu/it/Lab-Staff.html

Academic Dishonesty

  • Anyone caught cheating on a test or an assignment will automatically receive a zero. It does not matter whether you are giving or receiving the information. Either way, your grade is zero. 
  • A second occurrence of academic dishonest will result in failure in this course.
  • Students are encouraged to discuss concepts and share ideas with fellow students. However, each student must do his/her own work. 
  • All assignments must be original and may not be copied from any source (this includes Internet sites).
  • Any evidence of shared or copied work will be considered plagiarism and will be treated as cheating. 
  • In accordance with official college policy, all incidents of academic dishonesty must be reported to the Division Dean and Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Course Calendar

Assignment dates are available on the Course Due Dates web page located in the LMS (Moodle).

Generic Calendar For CS2513
1 Introduction
Java-script-Chapter 1: Introduction to JavaScript
2 JavaScript-Chapter 2: Working with Functions, Data Types, and Operators
3 JavaScript-Chapter 3: Building Arrays and Controlling Flow
4 Test 1 - JavaScript: Chapters 1-3
5 JavaScript-Chapter 4: Debugging and Error Handling
6 JavaScript-Chapter 5: Working with the Document Object Model (DOM) and DHTML
7 Test 2 - JavaScript: Chapters 4-5
JavaScript-Chapter 6: Enhancing and Validating Forms
9 JavaScript-Chapter 7:Using Object Oriented JavaScript
10 Test 3 - JavaScript: Chapters 6-7
11 JavaScript-Chapter 8: Manipulating Data in Strings and Arrays
12 JavaScript-Chapter 9: Managing State Information and Security
13 Test 4 - JavaScript: Chapters 8-9
14 JavaScript-Chapter 10: Programming for Touch screens and Mobile Devices
JavaScript-Chapter 12: Introduction to jQuery
(Note: Ch 11 and 12 are being done in reverse order since Week 15 is a short week due to Thanksgiving.)
16 JavaScript-Chapter 11: Updating Pages with AJAX
17 Test 5 - JavaScript: Chapters 10-12

Note: The calendar is listed as 17 weeks because of Fall Break and Thanksgiving.

Assessment of Student Learning

Oklahoma City Community College is committed to providing quality educational experiences to all students and to strive for continuous improvement in its programs and services. Student learning assessment is vital to the educational process and can be of significant value to you and to the students who follow you as well as contribute to their education success.

To ensure that adequate assessment information is available to allow OCCC to continuously improve programs and services, students may be asked to participate in personal interviews; take program and/or general education assessments, which could be to take tests; give oral presentations, write assignments, take surveys, or engage in other activities. You may be asked to complete the assessments, tests, and other activities during a designated times, which may include class periods in a semester. These opportunities are your chance to help OCCC improve the courses, programs, and services which could affect you and will certainly impact students in the future.


Oklahoma City Community College complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act & the Americans with Disabilities Act. Students with disabilities who seek academic adjustments/accommodations must make their request by contacting the office of Student Support Services located on the first floor of the main building near SEM entry 3 or by calling 405-682-7520. All academic adjustments/accommodations must be approved by Student Support Services.

If you have been approved by Student Support Services to receive academic adjustments/accommodations you must talk with me either after class, on the phone, via email, or during my office hours. This will allow me to be better informed on how to assist you with access during the semester. To respect your privacy I will not approach you, but the academic adjustments/accommodations must be discussed to ensure ideal implementation for you. All information will remain confidential.

Pregnant and Parenting Students

Oklahoma City Community College does not discriminate against any student on the basis of pregnancy, parenting or related conditions. Pregnant or parenting students seeking accommodations should notify your professor and contact the Title IX Coordinator immediately.
Pregnancy-Related Absences: OCCC is required to excuse absences for students who are pregnant or who give birth for as long as that student’s doctor determines the absence is necessary. At the conclusion of that period, the student will be given a reasonable amount of time to make up the missed work.
Title IX Coordinators: OCCC has designated a Title IX Coordinator, Regina Switzer (405-682-7540), and a Deputy Title IX Coordinator, Kendra Fringer (405-682-7523), who will be happy to assist you with any matters or needs for accommodation that may arise for you due to a pregnancy.

Safety and Security Emergency Procedures

The health and safety of all our students, faculty, and staff are OCCC’s prime concern. The procedures outlined below are designed to deal with emergencies of various types. Students should always follow the lead of their instructors.

First notification will come from the fire alarm horns, sirens, and strobes. The class should gather their belongings, exit the building using the nearest exit, and move to a parking lot. Do not use the elevators. No alarm should be treated as a false alarm. Horns, sirens, and strobes are only used for fire alarms.
Fire (Special Considerations)
If someone in your area is not physically capable of descending the stairwell, please ensure that they remain in the “area of safe refuge” located just inside each upper-level enclosed first stairwell. There are emergency phones located near each of these areas.
For all medical related issues push the ”emergency” button located on each classroom phone. The phone will display your room number, allowing for fast response to your location. All security officers are trained as first responders and will assist in guiding EMSA to your location. Treat all bodily fluids as if they were contaminated.
If you receive a bomb threat, document as much information as possible and push the “emergency” button on the phone. If the decision to evacuate is given, the phone will sound an alarm and display a text message. The class should gather their belongings, exit the building using the nearest exit, and move to an open grassy area. Please turn off all wireless devices. (Cell phones, radios, laptops, and other portable devices.)
Tornado warnings that include OCCC will be sent directly to the classroom phone. The phone will sound and alarm and display a text message. The class should gather their belongings, move away from exterior glass and exits, and move to safer areas. These areas are lower-level interior classrooms, restrooms, and stairwells. You should familiarize yourself with the safer areas near your classroom(s). If the city/county sirens are sounding and OCCC is not in the warning area a message will be sent to the classroom phone advising this information.
If someone is causing a disturbance in a classroom call security immediately. Push the “emergency” button located on each classroom phone. Distance yourself from that person, do not place yourself in the person’s exit path and remove all potential weapons from the area.

Shelter in place: If there is an armed person or shooter on campus: Close and lock your hallway doors. Turn off the lights, shut the blinds or move away from exposed areas. Use desks, tables and other objects to provide protection. Updated information will be sent to the classroom phone.


The assignments, point values, schedule, and testing dates presented in this syllabus are subject to change in the event of extenuating circumstances or if class progress warrants. Adjustments may be made as the semester progresses.