
Chapter 12: Introduction to jQuery

    • Select elements using jQuery syntax
    • Use built- in jQuery functions
Assignments and Due Dates
Assignments and Due Dates: View

jQuery Tutorial: Using jQuery Plugins by River City Graphix (~13:30 min)



Sample Code

Completed sample code from Chapter 12    JS6eTextCode_Chapter12
Download the zip file and extract it.

Supplemental Materials

Same software as previously indicated.

Chapter Questions and Test Reviews

Chapter Review Questions
Source for quiz and test questions. It is highly recommended that students know the answers.

Chapter 12: Review Questions (.rtf file)
Test 5: Review Sheet

Required Assignments

CSP11 - jQuery: Specifications
     (Complete, upload to Apollo1, then submit URL in the LMS)
Weekly Quiz: Chapter 12 (Located in the LMS)

Professor's Class Notes and Comments

jQuery is very powerful and simplifies implementing many complex functionalities. jQuery is not the only library around. A search of the Internet will list various options: Example: Search for "photo gallery mootools" For the purposes of this course, however, we will limit ourselves to jQuery.

P. 815-816, CDN

(Scroll down to jQuery with a CDN) - This will be the method required for this week's assignment.

jQuery Plugins

This weeks assignment will be an extension of the material covered in the text. iQuery Plugins will be utilized. Information about plugins can be found at http://learn.jquery.com/plugins/. The YouTube video may also be helpful

jQuery Tutorial: Using jQuery Plugins by River City Graphix (~13:30 min)