CS2623: Server-Side Programming
SSP04: String Functions
- Describe the role of PHP
- Use String functions
- Use escape characters
- Full Credit: 40 Points
- Late/Resubmit Credit: 36 Points
In this assignment, new web pages will be created. The ones from projects 3-1 to 3.3 will be linked to the main pages in Chapter 4. The ones from projects 3-4 and 3-5 will be linked Chapter 5. For now, they will will be created inside the Chinese Zodiac folder but will only be accessible by entering their full URL.
- In Discovery Project 3-1 and 3-2, home_links_bar.inc should be named inc_home_links_bar.php as shown in Discovery Project 3-3.
- Include files will not validate when viewed outside of the parent web page because they do not include DTD and basic XHTML tags. That is acceptable. However, when the are validated as part of the parent web page, they must not prevent the parent page from validating. The entire parent web page must validate for both XHTML and CSS.
Need a Visual Reference?
View the following video on YouTube of past student sites. In most of the cases the entire web page is not included in the screen shot, just enough to let you see the functionality of each project assignment. These videos are in a restricted area and intended for use only by students in this class.
Disclaimer: If you see something that is contradictory to our class assignments, please ask. Do not assume that since it is on the video that it is 100% correct.
The video shows the 5 php files which will eventually be incorporated into the site. On inc_home_links_bar.php, there is an extra link (Site Feedback) which will be added later in the course. .For now, there should only be PHP and Chinese Zodiac as outlined in the text.
To give you an idea of how all of the include files will be eventually displayed within index.php it is thought that the following annotated web page might help with understanding how they will all be tied together.

Note: Students may NOT copy the text from the sample for use in their site. Every student must write their own text. Copying this text and using it as your own will be considered plagiarism and handled accordingly.
Recurring Specifications:
For this assignment, the normal recurring specification will not apply since they pages are include files and not stand-alone web pages.
- Code must be easy to read and properly indented.
- Documentation must be appropriate and meaningful.
- Tables may not be used for general layout and only when specifically indicated in an assignment.
- JavaScript may not be used in assignments unless specifically indicated. One exception is the date late modified at the bottom of the web page.
Assignment Submission
- Follow the Assignment Submission requirements outlined in http://www.occc.edu/aphilipp/htm_ssp/CS2623_CodingStandards.htm.
- Upload the files/folder to your apollo1 account.
- View the web page/s in Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Internet Explorer.
- Double check to make sure all items are visible from all computers.
Note: The files from Projects 3-1 to 3-5 will not validate because they do not have complete DTD's and tags. That is acceptable "for now".
- Submit the three URLs of your web pages in the LMS.
- The URLs will be
- http://apollo1.occc.edu/user#####/ChineseZodiac/includes/inc_chinese_zodiac.php
- http://apollo1.occc.edu/user#####/ChineseZodiac/includes/inc_php_info.php
- http://apollo1.occc.edu/user#####/ChineseZodiac/includes/inc_home_links_bar.php
- http://apollo1.occc.edu/user#####/ChineseZodiac/includes/inc_SimilarNames.php
- http://apollo1.occc.edu/user#####/ChineseZodiac/includes/inc_EmbeddedWords.php
- Submission links must open web page in a new window (not inside of MoodleRooms) and display the page (and not a directory)
- Assignments not opening in a new window cannot be graded. If it is still within the late/resubmit period, they can be re-uploaded and resubmitted (10% penalty). If it is after the final deadline, the work can no longer be submitted.