CS2623: Server-Side Programming (SSP) 01


Point Value:


  1. Text Pages:
  2. Downloads:None
  3. References:None
  4. SSP01a: Course Policies (Quiz in the Moodle)
  5. SSP01b: Student Background Sheet (Download, complete, and upload in the Moodle)
  6. SSP01c: Upload Picture (Upload recent picture of yourself, no larger than 1mb, in the LMS)
  7. SSP01d: Basic Webpage
    1. Task1: Create an HTML page
      1. HTML Format: HTML5
      2. Folder Name: SSP01
      3. File Name: index.html
      4. Hello World: In the body, enter the following code "'<p> Hello World (HTML) </p>'"
      5. Ensure your HTML5 page adheres to HTML 5 standards (e.g. charset, language, etc.). Specific additional requirements for the header section are:
        1. Author: "<student last name>, <student first name>"
        2. Title: CS2623 SSP01: <student last name>
        3. Styling: All of your styling will be done via an external Cascading Style Sheet(CSS) as you did in CS2413. Create a link to an external css file entitled "main.css". Style your page with a unique color scheme, pictures, and a header/banner to include "CS2623 Server-Side Programming".
        4. Keywords and Description: Create appropriate keywords and a description to describe your main page which is to be used for Server Side Programing (SSP) homework postings
      6. Top and Side Navigation:
        1. Home
        2. SSP02
        3. SSP03
        4. SSP04
        5. SSP05
        6. SSP06
        7. SSP07
        8. SSP08
        9. SSP09
        10. SSP10
        11. SSP11
        12. SSP12
      7. Footer: Use the OCC disclaimer "Disclaimer: Oklahoma City Community College does not necessarily endorse the content or the respective links of this web page."
    2. Task 2: Create CSS Page and style your index.html page: Styling is at the students discretion. CSS file must contain appropriate comments (e.g. title, author, decipher hexadecimal colors, section dividers, etc.). As mentioned earlier, save the file as "main.css".
      Background: #FFFFFF (white)
      Content: #000 (black)
      Header h1: #F00 (red)
      Footer: #c6c6c6 (gray)

      a (standard): #0000FF(blue)
      a (visited): #0F0 ( bright green)
      a (active): #FF0000 (red)

      Body: 1em Tahoma, Verdana, Arial
      Headers: 2.7em/1.3em "Times New Roman", Georgia, serif;
      Navigation Buttons: .75em Tahoma, Verdana, Arial;

      Notes: decreasing heading by 0.4em with every subsequent heading level


    3. Task 3: Test your HTML page
      1. Publish index.html to apollo1: View the page in your web browser. Look at the source code after you have deployed it.
    4. Task 4: Try PHP
      1. Resave index.html: Open your index.html page. Save it as index.php
      2. PHP Code: On a new line in the body, write "<?php echo '<p> Hello World (PHP Testing)</p>'; ?>"
      3. Upload code to Apollo1: Upload index.php to Apollo1. View the source code, can you see any PHP code or just the HTML? Post your answer to the forum with an explanation as to why you can or cannot see the php code.


Common Requirements for All Web Pages:

  1. Your code must adhere to HTML5 standards. W3C HTML5 Example: https://www.w3schools.com/html/html5_intro.asp
  2. All your pages must pass W3C validators
  3. The web pages must display correctly in all of the following: FireFox, Chrome, Internet Explorer.
  4. The links between the existing pages with the Pacific Trails Resort website cannot be broken.
  5. All HTML and CSS code must be well documented, properly indented, and easy to read.