
Chapter 6: Page Layout

  • Describe and apply the CSS Box Model
  • Configure margins with CSS
  • Configure float with CSS
  • Configure positioning with CSS
  • Create two-column page layouts using CSS
  • Configure navigation in unordered lists and style with CSS
  • Add interactivity to hyperlinks with CSS pseudo-classes
  • Configure web pages with HTML5 structural elements, including section, article, and aside
  • Configure older browsers to be compatible with HTML5
Assignments and Due Dates

Assignments and Due Dates: View

Required Readings

Web Development & Design Foundations with HTML5 - 7th Edition by Terry Felke-Morris
Chapter 6: Page Layout

Required Tutorials
  1. Text's Companion Website - VideoNotes: http://wps.pearsoned.com/ecs_felke_webdevdesf_7/
    (Page number indicates related page in the textbook)
    • Chapter 6: Interactivity with CSS pseudo-classes (Page 254)
  2. Z-Index - Although this topic is not covered in the text it may be seen in web pages that you maintain.. and, yes, it will be on the test.
Sample Code and/or Data Files
  • Textbook's Chapter and Web Site Case Study Data Files
    • http://wps.pearsoned.com/ecs_felke_webdevdesf_7/243/62410/15977113.cw/index.html
    • Click on Student Resources
      Click on Student Data Files in left margin
    • Download the Zip file for the current chapter
    • Extract/unzip the file
    • Chapter files will be visible or accessible by opening various folders
    • "If" needed for this chapter's Case Study Hands-On, the files for Pacific Trails are located in the casestudystarters/pacific folder.
Supplemental Materials
  1. PowerPoint from Text: Chapter 6 - View (ppt) | Print (pdf)
  2. Author's Web Site: http://www.webdevfoundations.net/7e /chapter6.html
    (Scroll to the bottom of each chapter's web page for the chapter updates AKA errata sheet )
  3. Textbook's Website: http://wps.pearsoned.com/ecs_felke_webdevdesf_7/
  4. (The access code is located in the front of the text. For those with used text's the code is available online. Click on the link above.)

No new software.

Chapter Questions and Test Reviews

Chapter 7 Reviews:
Although no points are earned for the Quizlet tests, it is highly recommended that students know the answers. It is an excellent way to prepare for both the weekly quizzes and major tests.

Test 2 Review Sheet: Test 2 Review
It is highly recommended that students work through the test review sheets as each chapter is studied. It will help with learning the material and may reduce the amount of study time required for the major tests.

Required Assignments

WSD06: PacificTrails-Layout (Publish to Apollo, submit the URL in the LMS)
QUIZ: Chapter 06 (LMS)

Professor's Class Notes and Comments

This week...

Chapter 6 contains material that really needs to be experienced to be fully understood.  It is highly recommended that you take the time to type in ALL of the Hands-On projects in this chapter.  Realizing that you are busy people and that, despite my recommendation, you might not have time to do all of them.  The bare minimum should include:

Take the time to really understand how the CSS presented in this chapter works. There are some very important concepts and they will definitely be worth your time and effort.

Chapter 6:

p. 240 The Box Model

As much as I do not feel Wikipedia can be used as a reliable source of information (any one can post) I have to admit they did a good job of explaining the issues with IE and the box model including the importance of adding DTD information to web pages.

p. 242-248 Flow, Floats

Interactive tutorial on positioning in general but includes floats and clear floats (Tabs 7-10)

p. 253 Display property

The Display and the Visibility properties can cause confusion for beginning web designers. On the surface they "appear" to do the same thing...show or hide an element.
The values of each are as follows:
Display: inline, block, none
Visibility: visible, hidden

However, they are actually very different. Display determines if and how an element should be displayed. When the element is not shown the space can be occupied by other elements. Visibility specifies if it should be visible or hidden. When the element is hidden, it still exists in terms of the page layout and other elements may not occupy that space. W3Schools.com has a good demo.

Check out http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_display_visibility.asp

When users click on the remove button, display:none is being executed. Notice that the boxes move to the left. When the Hide button is clicked, visibility:hidden is executed. Notice that the middle area is blank but the space is still reserved.

Required Supplemental Topic: Z-Index

Z-Index - Although this topic is not covered in the text it may be seen in web pages that you maintain.. and, yes, it will be on the test.

p. 264 Positioning with CSS

Same interactive tutorial as the one on floats (p. 242 above but concentrate on Tabs 1-6)

p. 268 CSS Debugging Techniques

FireFox has an error checker for CSS (and JavaScript as well as XML). This can be very useful in debugging code. In the follow image there are actually three screen shots stacked on each other. This was done to conserve space.

p. 272 HTML5 Compatibility with Older Browsers

The HTML5 Test

Fun test to see how well your current browser does.

Also check out other options http://html5test.com/results/desktop.html

CSS3 Browser Support


HTML5 and CSS3 Browser Support - great chart!