USA vs Japan : Console Wars

Sony logo

Sony Background

In 1946, Ibuka Masaru and Morita Akio worked together in Japan as the company "Tokyo Tsushin Kogyo" (Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering Corporation).
In 1958, Sony got its official name, and the name Sony is said to be an international term because it was derived from the Latin sonus ("sound").
Before the first PlayStation launched Sony had tried many different products.

  • 1950: Released the first Japanese designed tape recorder
  • 1957: Released TR-63, shirt-pocket-sized all transistor radio
  • 1964: Released MD-5, the first all transistor desktop calculator
  • 1968: Shipped Sony's first Trinitron color television
  • 1971: Released the first color video cassetter recorder (VCR)
  • 1988: Released Sony's first VHS
  • 1994: PlayStation launched

When Sony origianlly released the Playstation they did not include the infamous DualShock controller. It wasn't until 1997 when the DualShock controllers released.
A few years later, in 2000, Sony released the PlayStation 2 and this new console also featured DVD support. Even with the new features the PlayStation 2 had it wasn't the most powerful console at the time because Microsoft's Xbox often had better looking graphics.
However, since the first Playstation released Sony has definately made an impact on the gaming community.