USA vs Japan : Console Wars

Microsoft Logo

Microsoft Background

Microsoft was originally based in New Mexico and now it is based in Washington.
Before the launch of Xbox, Microsoft had released operating systems and computers.
They where the worlds biggest personal computer software company at the time.

  • 1975: Microsoft was founded by Bill Gates & Paul Allen
  • 1981: Microsoft license their MS-DOS Operating System to IBM
  • 1981: First Personal Computer released
  • 1985: Windows Operating System released
  • 1995: Windows95 released
  • 1995: Internet Explorer released
  • 2001: Original Xbox launched

You may be wondering why Microsoft launched a gaming console when their computers and operating systems where doing phenomenal at the time.
Well, Microsoft was focused on computers until a Sony advert claimed:
"The PlayStation 2 would be so powerful, it would be like a personal computer in the living room". Microsoft did not take this lightly and saw that as a challenge, because Microsoft was known for personal computers. Microsoft thought: "If anyone is going to make a console as powerful as a personal computer it is going to be us". In return they made and launched the original Xbox to beat Sony at there own game.